My Little Genesis Wiki

Full Name: Golden Parasol Rays Season Harvest

Usually Called: Season,S-chan

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pelt: Pale amber

Mane/Tail:Blue violetish gray with invisible  grayish purple streaks

Eyes: Blue violet

Cutie Mark: Fruit Basket with clouds on horizon

Talent:harvest in all seasons

Job: None

Parent 1: Parasol

Parent 2: Goldengrape

Siblings: Sky Pop (older sister) 

Other Family: Sunny Rays (aunt)

She is the social of the group, very tolerant, especially for Lights.  Born in Fillydelphia which migrated to Ponyville because of strange cursed happenings. She became impressed with everything on the town, the shops, everything she always dreamed. And it does not take long to know her first friends, Berry Blossom and Sweet Potato. The rest of the family, desperate returned to Ponyville too. And saw that town was peaceful, and moved for a while. She started to get in the library, and sometimes helped Glitter with books. She usually going to Sweet Apple Acres,for taking a cider or drink apple juice with friends. One Dawn when she was coming home,saw a glow in the sky, was a green pegasus trying to perform one sonic Rainboom, but she lost control and fell unconscious. Desperate, she took the green pegasus to the hospital who woke a little after. The green pegasus a little moodiness,presented herself as Northern Lights, the daughter of two famous Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. After that everything was fine, Season left the hospital. After a few encounters, Lights began treating Season as a friend, because she was very tolerant.
